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La tabla de valores de FieldType contiene códigos distintos que representan diferentes tipos de campo. Estos códigos le ayudan a determinar las acciones específicas o los métodos de manejo necesarios para cada tipo, lo que facilita la integración y la interacción sin problemas con las funcionalidades de CLI-SiTef.

Valores por tipo de campo para Brasil y México

A continuación, presentamos los posibles valores por FieldType y sus respectivos significados. Los campos marcados con * indican que se utilizan en uno o más productos.

Tenga en cuenta que no todos los campos se devuelven en todas las transacciones. Hay campos que solo se devuelven si se aprobó la transacción.

Por favor, tenga en cuenta que estamos trabajando en la traducción de las descripciones a español.

FieldType Description 
-1 There is no information that can/should be handled by automation 
The routine is being called to indicate that it has just collected the transaction data and will start interacting with SiTef to obtain authorization 
Transaction confirmation data. For environments with multiple servers, it will be returned in the following format: 
Informs the SiTef function code used in the message sent to the server. 
10 to 99 and 3000 to 3999 Informs which option is selected in the transaction navigation menu, following the same coding used to define payment restrictions described in the item Restricting or enabling payment methods. 
100 Payment method in xxnn format. 
 xx corresponds to the modality group and nn to the subgroup. 
 ·       00: Check 
 ·       01: Debit Card 
 ·       02: Credit Card 
 ·       03: Voucher card 
 ·       05: Loyalty Card 
 ·       98: Money 
 ·       99: Another type of card 
 ·       00: In sight 
 ·       01: Pre-dated 
 ·       02: Installments with financing by the establishment 
 ·       03: Installments with financing by the administrator 
 ·       04: Cash with interest 
 ·       05: Credit 
 ·       99: Other type of payment 
101 Contains the actual text of the payment method that can be memorized by the application if necessary. Describe in full the xxnn pair given in 100 
102 Contains the descriptive text of the payment method that must be printed on the tax coupon (e.g.: T.E.F., Check, etc...) 
105 Contains the date and time of the transaction in the format AAAAMMDDHHMMSS 
110 Returns when a transaction is cancelled. Contains the cancellation modality in the xxnn format, following the same xxnn format as TipoCampo 100. The nn sub-group, however, contains the default value 00 as it is not collected. 
111 Contains the actual text of the cancellation method that can be memorized by the application if necessary. Describes in full the xxnn pair given in 110. 
112 Contains the descriptive text of the cancellation method that must be printed on the tax coupon (e.g.: T.E.F., Check, etc...). 
115 Adjustment mode 
120 Buffer contains the check authentication line to be printed on the back of the check 
121 Buffer contains the first copy of the payment receipt (customer copy) to be printed on the fiscal printer. This copy, when possible, is reduced so that it takes up few lines on the printer. It can be a sales or administrative receipt 
122 Buffer contains the second copy of the payment receipt (cash copy) to be printed on the fiscal printer. It can be a sales or administrative receipt 
123 Indicates that the receipts that will be delivered next are of a certain type: 
 ·       PROOF_PURCHASES = "00" 
 ·       VOUCHER_VOUCHER = "01" 
 ·       PROOF_CHEQUE = "02" 
 ·       PROOF_PAYMENT = "03" 
 ·       PROOF_MANAGERIAL = "04" 
 ·       PROOF_CB = "05" 
 ·       RECEIPT_RECHARGE_GIFT = "08" 
 ·       PROOF_RECHARGE_SP_TRANS = "09" 
 ·       PROOF_MEDICATIONS = "10" 
125 Voucher Code 
130 Indicates, upon collection, that the field in question is the value of the cash change to be returned to the customer. When returning the result (Command = 0) it contains the value actually approved for the change 
131 Contains an index that indicates which institution will process the transaction according to the table at the end of the document (up to 5 significant digits) 
132 Contains an index that indicates the type of card when that type is identifiable, according to a table to be provided (5 positions) 
133 Contains the SiTef NSU (6 positions) 
134 Contains the NSU of the authorizing Host (20 positions maximum) 
135 Contains the Authorization Code for credit transactions (15 positions maximum) 
136 Contains the first 6 positions on the card (bin) 
137 Balance payable 
138 Total Amount Received 
139 Entry Value 
140 Date of first installment in ddmmyyy format 
143 Tip amount 
144 Refund value 
145 Payment amount 
146 The routine is being called to read the Value to be canceled. If the automation application has this value, it can present it to the operator and allow him to confirm the value before passing it back to the routine. If it does not have this value, you must read it. 
147 Amount to be canceled 
150 Contains Track 1, when available, obtained from the LeCartaoInterativo function 
151 Contains Track 2, when available, obtained from the LeCartaoInterativo function 
153 Contains the customer's password captured through the LeSenhaInterativo routine and the customized Software Express security lib must be passed to the commercial establishment in order to obtain the open password 
154 Contains the new payment amount 
155 Bonus card type 
156 Name of institution 
157 Establishment Code 
158 Authorizing Network Code 
160 Original coupon number 
161 Payment Coupon Identification Number 
  This is a counter (starting with value 0) of payments that occurred on the coupon. 
  Example: If there were 6 payments in the Coupon, the values returned will be from [0] to [5]. 
170 Installation Sale of Qualified Establishment 
171 Minimum Number of Installments – Establishment Installments 
172 Maximum Number of Installments – Establishment Installments 
173 Minimum Value Per Installment – Establishment Installments 
174 Sell in Installments Qualified Administrator 
175 Minimum Number of Installments – Administrative Installments 
176 Maximum Number of Installments – Administrative Installments 
177 Indicates that the field is numeric (PBM) 
178 Indicates that the field is alphanumeric (PBM) 
200 Available balance*, balance of the specific product (school, transport voucher) 
201 Blocked Balance 
500 Indicates that the field in question is the supervisor's code. Automation can, if desired, validate the collected data, allowing the transaction flow to continue normally if an acceptable supervisor is present. 
501 Type of Document to be consulted (0 – CPF, 1 – CGC) 
502 Document number (CPF or CGC) 
504 Service Fee 
505 Number of Installments 
506 Pre-dated date in ddmmyyy format 
507 Captures whether the first installment is in cash or not (0 – First in cash, 1 – otherwise) 
508 Interval in days between installments 
509 Captures whether it is a closed month (0) or not (1) 
510 Capture whether it is with (0) or without (1) post-dated guarantee with debit card 
511 Number of CDC Installments 
512 Credit Card Number Entered 
513 Card expiration date 
514 Card security code 
515 Transaction date to be canceled (DDMMYYY) or to be reprinted 
516 Document number to be canceled or reprinted 
517 The routine is being called to read the Check Number as described in the type of command corresponding to value 31 
518 Item Code 
519 Payment Plan Code 
520 NSU from SiTef Original (Cisa) 
521 Identification document number (RG) 
522 The routine is being called to read the Phone Number 
523 The routine is being called to read the area code of a telephone with up to 4 digits 
524 Value of the first installment 
525 Value of other installments 
526 Number of checks 
527 Check due date 
529 The routine is being called to read the Account Opening Date in the format (MMAAAA) 
530 Supervisor authorization entered 
531 Special supervisor authorization 
532 The routine is being called to read the number of installments or checks 
533 Additional sales data 
534 Check issuer 
535 The document paid for the transaction 
536 CDL-Poa check consultation return records 
537 Area code of the city of the check 
550 Address 
551 Address number 
552 Floor of address 
553 Address set 
554 Address block 
555 Address zip code 
556 Address neighborhood 
557 CPF for AVS consultation 
558 AVS query result 
559 Number of days of pre-dating 
560 Number of Cycles 
561 Occurrence Code 
562 Store Code (EMS) 
563 POS Code (EMS) 
564 Data Returned (EMS) 
565 Telephone Extension 
566 RG Issuing Body 
567 State where the ID was issued 
568 RG dispatch date 
569 Operator Registration 
570 Operator Name 
571 Lecturer's Registration 
572 Name of Lecturer 
573 Percentage of Interest Applied 
574 Authorizer Registration 
575 Original Transaction Tax Coupon Date 
576 Original Transaction Tax Coupon Time 
577 Carnet details or EMS summary code 
578 Differentiated mile code 1 
579 Value of differentiated miles 1 
580 Differentiated mile code 2 
581 Value of differentiated miles 2 
582 EMS external code type 
583 EMS external code 
587 Code name of the cell phone authorizing institution 
588 Cell phone authorization establishment code 
593 Check digit(s) 
594 Zip code of the location where the terminal in which the operation is being carried out is located 
595 Obsolete. SiTef NSU corresponding to the Recharge payment transaction with card 
596 Obsolete. Nsu of the Authorizing Host corresponding to the Recharge payment transaction by card 
597 Code of the Branch that responded to the cell phone recharge request 
599 Cell phone recharge authorizing network code 
600 Title/agreement expiration date in DDMMAAAA format 
601 Amount Paid* 
602 Original Value 
603 Additional Value 
604 Rebate Value 
605 Payment Accounting Date 
606 Name of the Assignor of the Title. It must be printed on the check when payment is made via this method 
607 Document index, in the case of batch payment, of fields 600 to 604 that will follow 
608 Payment method used in the banking correspondent role. Follows the same formatting rule as the number 100 field 
609 Total value of titles actually paid in case of batch payment 
610 Total value of unpaid titles in case of batch payment 
611 NSU Banking Correspondent 
612 Document type: 0 - Collection, 1 - Title (Compensation form), 2 - Tax 
613 Contains the details of the check used to pay bills in the following format: Clearing (3), Bank (3), Agency (4), Current Account (10), and Check Number (6), in that order. Note that the order is the same as that on the top line of the check without the check digits 
614 NSU SiTef payment transaction 
620 NSU SiTef of original transaction (cancellation transaction) 
621 NSU Bank Correspondent of the original transaction (cancellation transaction) 
622 Benefit Value 
623 Code printed at the bottom of the CB receipt and used for re-printing/cancellation 
624 Paid barcode. Appears once for each document index (field 607). The format is the same as that used to enter the field, that is, 0:number or 1:number 
625 Withdrawal receipt 
626 Bank number 
627 Agency 
628 Agency digit 
629 Account 
630 Account digit 
631 Money value 
632 Amount by check 
633 Name of depositor 
634 Original Banking Correspondent Document 
635 User key used to communicate with the Bank 
636 Unique sequence of the user's key in the Bank 
637 Code of the correspondent's store relationship agency 
638 CB Check Number 
639 Invoice Number 
640 Agreement Number 
641 Statement Start Date (DDMMAAAA) 
642 Statement End Date (DDMMAAAA) 
643 Calculation Period 
644 Federal Revenue Code 
645 Value of Gross Revenue 
646 Applied Percentage 
647 Main Value 
648 Fine Value 
649 Interest Value 
670 PinPad Data 
700 ValeGás Operator 
701 ValeGás Product 
702 ValeGás number 
703 Reference Number 
704 GPS code 
705 GPS Competence 
706 Contributor Identifier 
707 INSS Value 
708 Value Other Entities 
709 Allows Payment of Bills With Cash (0 – Does not allow; 1 – Allows) 
710 Allows Payment of Bills by Check (0 – Does not allow; 1 – Allows) 
711 Allows Payment of Bills with TEF Debit (0 – Does not allow; 1 – Allows) 
712 Allows Bill Payment With TEF Credit (0 – Does not allow; 1 – Allows) 
713 Payment Methods used in the Generic Payment transaction 
714 Withdrawal Value 
715 Order Number 
716 CB Deposit Limit Value 
717 CB Withdrawal Limit Value 
718 Withdrawal Limit Value for CB Payment 
719 Value of the ValeGás product 
722 Minimum payment amount 
723 Customer Identification, for Carrefour receipt only 
724 Sell Credit in Installments with Plan Enabled 
725 Sell Credit with Qualified Cash Authorization 
726 Sell Credit with Installment Authorization with Enabled Plan 
727 Bill Sale Enabled 
729 Maximum payment amount 
730 Maximum number of payment methods, 0 for no limit 
731 Payment Type Enabled, repeats “n” times, where “n” is the number of payment methods enabled: 
  ·       00 Money 
  ·       01 Check 
  ·       02 TEF Debit 
  ·       03 TEF Credit 
  ·       04 Carrefour Gift Card (Prepaid) 
  ·       05 Carrefour Bonus Card 
  ·       06 Carrefour Card 
  ·       07 Withdrawal for payment 
  ·       08 Withdrawal 
  ·       09 DCC Carrefour 
  ·       50 TEF Card 
  ·       77 Reserved Field 
732 Data to be sent for the Payment Type (Field 730) previously returned, repeats “n” times, where “n” is the number of data to be sent for the respective Payment Type: 
  ·       00 Reserved Field 
  ·       01 Check Entry Type 
  ·       02 Check Details 
  ·       03 Destination Network 
  ·       04 SiTef NSU of the TEF transaction 
  ·       05 SiTef date of the TEF transaction (unused, future use) 
  ·       06 Company (Store) Code of the EFT transaction 
  ·       07 TEF Transaction Host NSU 
  ·       08 TEF transaction Host Date (Field 105 CliSiTef) 
  ·       09 Origin Code (Establishment) of the TEF transaction 
  ·       10 Service Z of the EFT transaction 
  ·       11 EFT Transaction Authorization Code 
  ·       12 Check Amount 
734 Minimum sales limit for flexible promotions, with 12 digits with the last 2 digits referring to decimal places 
738 Suggested value for the selected product. 
739 Preferred Customer 
750 Pay Easy Value CB 
751 Pague Fácil CB Fare Value 
from 800 to 849 The entire range from 800 to 849 is reserved for the return of GerPdv 
950 CNPJ NFCE Accreditor 
951 NFCE Flag 
952 NFCE authorization number 
953 SAT Accreditation Code 
1002 Card Expiration Date 
1003 Cardholder Name 
1010 Quantity of medicines - PBM 
1011 Drug index – PBM 
1012 Medication code – PBM 
1013 Authorized quantity – PBM 
1014 Maximum consumer price – PBM 
1015 Recommended consumer price – PBM 
1016 Pharmacy sales price – PBM 
1017 Refund value at the pharmacy – PBM 
1018 Replacement value at the pharmacy – PBM 
1019 Subsidy value of the agreement – PBM 
1020 CNPJ agreement – PBM 
1021 Discount plan code – PBM 
1022 Does have a prescription – PBM 
1023 CRM – PBM 
1024 UF – PBM 
1025 Product description* - PBM 
1026 Product code – PBM 
1027 Product quantity – PBM 
1028 Product value – PBM 
1029 Date of medical prescription - PBM 
1030 PBM authorization code 
1031 Quantity reversed – PBM 
1032 PBM chargeback code 
1033 Recommended cash consumer price – PBM 
1034 Recommended price consumed for payroll deduction – PBM 
1035 Pharmacy replenishment percentage – PBM 
1036 Replacement commission – PBM 
1037 Authorization Type – PBM 
1038 Partner code – PBM 
1039 Name of partner – PBM 
1040 Type of PBM Medicine (01–Medicine, 02-Handling, 03-Special Handling, 04-Perfumery) 
1041 Medicine Description – PBM 
1042 Condition for sale: If 0 mandatory, use Functional Card (PF) price 
  If 1 can sell for a price lower than the PF price 
1043 Functional price card 
1044 Price charged – PBM 
1045 Drug status – PBM 
1046 Amount prescribed – PBM 
1047 Reference – PBM 
1048 PBM sales indicator (0-Product sold by card 1-Product sold in cash) 
1051 Date of birth 
1052 Mother's name 
1058 Additional data – ACSP 
1100 Analytical record CHECKCHECK 
1101 ACSP analytical record 
1102 SERASA analytical record 
1103 ACSP analytical screen image 
1104 SERASA analytical screen image 
1105 Reason for cancellation – ACSP 
1106 Query type – ACSP 
1107 CNPJ Affiliated Company 
1108 Administrator code 
1109 Telecheque table data - ACSP 
1110 Driver registration – Fuel Card 
1111 Vehicle plate – Fuel Card 
1112 Mileage – Fuel Card 
1113 Quantity of liters – Fuel Card 
1114 Main fuel – Fuel Card 
1115 Fuel products – Fuel Card 
1116 Host Product Code – Fuel Card 
1117 Hour Meter – Fuel Card 
1118 Credit Line – Fuel Card 
1119 Type of Goods – Fuel Card 
1120 Branch – Fuel Card 
1121 Decimal places of unit prices – Fuel Card 
1122 Maximum quantity of products for sale 
1123 Product code size – Fuel Card 
1124 Vehicle code – Fuel Card 
1125 Company Name – Fuel Card 
1126 Decimal places of quantity – Fuel Card 
1128 List of Questions – Fuel Card 
1129 Allows Product Collection – Fuel Card 
1131 Limit Code 
1132 Number of Holders 
1133 Company Opening Date (DDMMAAAA) 
1134 Name of Holder 
1135 Address Complement 
1136 City 
1137 State 
1152 Value Menu - SPTrans 
1160 Product with Face Value – Gift 
1190 Issue (last 4 digits) of the Card 
1200 Total previous consultations 
1201 Accumulated value from previous queries, containing 2 decimal digits but without the decimal character. 
1202 Total number of consultations carried out on the day. 
1203 Accumulated value of consultations on the day, containing 2 decimal digits but without the decimal character. 
1204 Total number of post-dated check consultations carried out in the period. 
1205 Accumulated value of post-dated checks, containing 2 decimal digits but without the decimal character. 
1206 Seller (User) - PBM 
1207 Password – PBM 
1208 Return Code – PBM 
1209 Origin – PBM 
1321 NSU of Canceled Transaction Authorizing Host 
2006 Type of encryption 
2007 MasterKey Index 
2008 Encryption key 
2009 Card password 
2010 Authorizer response code 
2011 Network bin 
2012 CHIP serial number 
2013 CHIP control record 
2014 Common balance, common pass balance 
2015 Gift card PAN 
2017 First due date 
2018 Total value 
2019 Amount financed 
2020 Percentage fine 
2047 Default interest 
2048 TAC (Administration fee) 
2053 Menu (product) selected Visanet 
2054 CDC Credit Type (1 – CDC Product; 2 – CDC Service) 
2055 Date/Time Sitef (Location) 
2056 Day of the week Sitef (Local) 
2057 Sitef Date/Time (GMT) 
2058 Sitef Day of the Week (GMT) 
2059 Payment Method Data - SPTrans 
2064 Cash payment amount 
2065 Check query code (Generic EMS) 
2067 Authorizer message to be displayed along with the values menu (If the terminal allows it) 
2078 Service code 
2079 Service value 
2081 Product Menu 
2082 Our number 
2083 Total value of the product containing the decimal separator (“,”) and two decimal places after the comma. 
2086 Product Code - ValeGas 
2087 Deadline statement: 0: No; 1: Yes 
2088 Total/Partial Cancellation: 0: Partial; 1: Total 
2089 Invoice identification number. 
2090 Card type Read: 
  ·       00 – Magnetic (Traditional magnetic cards and Samsung Pay in “MST – Magnetic Secure Transmission” mode) 
  ·       01 - VISA Cash currency exchanger on TIBC v1 
  ·       02 - VISA Cash currency exchanger on TIBC v3 
  ·       03 - EMV with contact 
  ·       04 - Easy-Entry on TIBC v1 
  ·       05 - Contactless chip simulating stripe 
  ·       06 - Contactless EMV (Traditional cards, contactless stickers and bracelets, in addition to mobile solutions such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay in “NFC – Near Field Communication” mode, among others) 
  ·       99 – Typed 
2091 Status of last card reading 
  ·       0 - Success. 
  ·       1 - Error subject to fallback. 
  ·       2 - Application required not supported. 
2093 Attendant code 
2103 Indicates whether it was an offline transaction: 1: Yes 
2109 Temporary password 
2124 Cellphone Recharge fee value (via Banking Correspondent. Example: CB Bradesco) 
2125 Plot number (2 characters) (Hotcard) 
2126 Transaction sequence (6 characters) (Hotcard) 
2301 Footer of proof of establishment copy 
2320 Depositor Code – CB 
2321 Customer Code 
2322 Card Sequence – CB 
2323 Via Card - CB 
2324 Extract Type – CB 
2325 Transfer limit value - CB 
2326 Limit value for collecting CPF/CNPJ – CB 
2327 Owner’s CPF/CNPJ – CB 
2328 CPF/CNPJ of the Bearer – CB 
2329 Type of Owner's document - CB 
2330 Type of Bearer document - CB 
2331 Indicates whether payment by CB card is allowed 
2332 Transfer Value 
2333 Transaction identification 
2334 Pin Code 
2355 When returned, it acts as a “hint” for the format of the next field that will be collected. It is normally accompanied by the zero command (0 – return value for use by automation). 
  Assumes the following values: 
  ·       The Alphabetical 
  ·       AN Alphanumeric (ans) 
  ·       LN Unaccented letters and numbers 
  ·       N Numeric 
  ·       Vx Value with x decimal places 
  ·       Y Yes/No 
  ·       M Menu 
  ·       Mc Menu with confirmation 
  It is not a field that is returned in all field collections, only in situations that must be addressed in the specific document for each network. 
2361 Indicates that a debit transaction was carried out to pay the carnet 
2362 Returned right after the bin query transaction. The value 1 indicates that the authorizer is able to treat conventional debit transactions differently from debit transactions for bill payments. 
2363 Indicates that a credit transaction was carried out to pay the carnet 
2364 Returned right after the bin query transaction. The value 1 indicates that the authorizer is capable of treating conventional credit transactions differently from credit for bill payment. 
2369 Points to be redeemed (numeric without decimal place). 
2421 Informs whether the additional customer data collection function is enabled (0 or 1) 
2467 Date in DDMMAA Format Positive Confirmation 
2468 Date in DDMM Format Positive Confirmation 
2469 Date in MMAA Format Positive Confirmation 
2470 Floating Point Field 
2601 Message for pinpad 
2602 Hash Seed 
2603 Mode for card reading using function 431. 
2699 Sends additional GIFT Activation/Recharge information, returned by the SQCF host, to Automation 
2925 Credit Card Recharge Amount 
2965 Debit Card Recharge Amount 
2974 Sell in Installments via Qualified Credit 
2975 Minimum number of installments for credit 
2976 Maximum number of installments for credit 
3481 Menu (managerial) AVS Query 
3988 Credit Menu 
3989 Credit Simulation Menu 
4000 Pre-Authorization Status – PBM 
4001 CRF – PBM 
4002 UF of CRF – PBM 
4003 Type of sale – PBM 
4004 Total PBM value 
4005 PBM cash value 
4006 PBM card value 
4007 Our PBM numbers 
4008 Percentage of discount granted by the administrator (2 decimal places) 
4016 Gross price – PBM 
4017 Net price – PBM 
4018 Amount receivable from the Store, in cents – PBM 
4019 Batch number generated by Central – PBM 
4020 Total amount receivable from the store – PBM 
4021 Total amount receivable from the store – PBM 
4022 Sum of Operation values – PBM 
4023 Operator name – PBM 
4024 Name of partner company – PBM 
4025 Number of dependents – PBM 
4026 Dependent code – PBM 
4027 Dependent’s name – PBM 
4028 Amount receivable from the partner – PBM 
4029 Total discount value, in cents 
4030 Total net value, in cents - PBM 
4031 PBM Selected Operator Code (must be recorded for later sending in other transactions) 
4032 Free data return field relating to PBM transactions. 
4033 PBM document type (0 = CRM, 1 = CRO) 
4034 Redemption Data - Bonus 
4039 PBM Response Code (0 = Ok, <>0 = error) 
4040 PBM Fractional Product (0 = no, 1 = yes) 
4041 Patient ID PBM (-1 = others, 00 = holder, 01 = dependent) 
4043 PBM ID Revenue (revenue registered by the company) 
4044 Revenue item ID PBM (revenue item registered by the company) 
4045 Recipe for continuous use (0 = no, 1 = yes) 
4046 PBM Manipulated Product (active ingredients) 
4047 PBM Manipulated Product Original Value 
4058 Approved Product Value with Discount 
4076 Store Identification 
4077 Contains the FEPAS NSU (20 positions maximum) 
4095 CPF/CNPJ of the Beneficiary 
4096 CPF/CNPJ of the Sacador 
4097 Payer's CPF/CNPJ 
4100 Communication error (for example: timeout) The Buffer contains the Error code. 
  [TCP:R:10054] An existing connection was forced to be canceled by the remote host. 
  [TCP:C:10060:TO] A connection attempt failed because the connected component did not respond correctly after a period of time 
  or the established connection failed because the connected host did not respond. 
4125 Customer Coupon available, for reprinting or consultation, in the SiTef database 
4126 Establishment Coupon available, for reprinting or consultation, in the SiTef database 
4127 Number of days that coupons will be available in the SiTef database