Recurring Payments



The payment schedules API allows you to create and manage a recurring payment schedule for an individual consumer. This API covers creation, update, cancellation and reporting capabilities. As an example, you'd use this API to setup monthly subscription payments against a payment method if you are providing ongoing products or services to a customer.

The payment schedules API uses the same header and most of the same objects as the payments API, so if you've already implemented for that API, this should be easy to extend to.

Creating a Payment Schedule

  method: "POST",
  url: '',
  headers: {
    "content-type": 'application/json',
    "client-request-id": '',
    "api-key": '',
    "timestamp": '',
    "message-signature": ''
    "requestType": "PaymentMethodPaymentSchedulesRequest",
    "startDate": "2020-11-16",
    "numberOfPayments": 10,
    "maximumFailures": 1,
    "invoiceNumber": "96126098",
    "purchaseOrderNumber": "123055342",
    "transactionOrigin": "ECOM",
    "dynamicMerchantName": "MyWebsite",
    "frequency": {
      "every": 1,
      "unit": "MONTH"
    "paymentMethod": {
      "paymentCard": {
        "number": "5426064000424979",
        "expiryDate": {
          "month": "12",
          "year": "20"
        "securityCode": "147",
        "cardFunction": "CREDIT"
    "transactionAmount": {
      "total": "25.24",
      "currency": "GBP"

To create a payment schedule when the customer is checking out, capture the customers payment details for whatever payment method they are using as you would when processing a normal, one-off payment. As well as the standard payments information, you need to add further attributes to successfully setup the payment schedule:

startDateThe start date indicates the date of the first payment. This can be future dated. This value sets the baseline for the calculation of the next payment, dependent on the every and unit values defined in the frequency object.
numberofPaymentsThis defines the total number of instances of taking a payment in the schedule.
maximumFailuresThis sets the retry limit for the payment. If it fails once, you can set our platform to auto-retry up to 999 times. The period between retries is always 1 day, therefore you need to make sure the retry maximum is less than the number of days between payments as per the schedule.
everySets the increment for the execution of the recurring payments, in partnership with the value in the unit field
unitSets the frequency - either DAY, WEEK, MONTH or YEAR

So, if you set the startDate as the 1st December 2020, the numberofPayments to 12, the every to 1 and the unit to MONTH, the last payment will be taken on 1st November 2021, with a payment taken on the 1st of every month in between.

  "requestType": "PaymentMethodPaymentSchedulesRequest",
  "startDate": "2020-11-16",
  "numberOfPayments": 10,
  "maximumFailures": 1,
  "invoiceNumber": "96126098",
  "purchaseOrderNumber": "123055342",
  "transactionOrigin": "ECOM",
  "dynamicMerchantName": "MyWebsite",
  "frequency": {
    "every": 1,
    "unit": "MONTH"
  "paymentMethod": {
    "paymentCard": {
      "number": "5426064000424979",
      "expiryDate": {
        "month": "12",
        "year": "20"
      "securityCode": "147",
      "cardFunction": "CREDIT"
  "transactionAmount": {
    "total": "25.24",
    "currency": "GBP"
  "clientLocale": {
    "language": "EN",
    "country": "UK"

You can also use payment schedules to set single future-dated payments, by setting the numberofPayments to 1 and the startDate to a future date. As long as the every value is set to 1, this is the same as setting a single future-dated payment.

Using a reference order to create a payment schedule

To create a payment schedule using a single payment already submitted, submit the payload as per the below to the /payment-schedule API, but include the referenceOrderId attribute as the orderId from the response of the original payment. This is useful when a customer buys something as a single purchase, but then elects to continue their access as a subscription to your product or service.

  "requestType": "ReferencedOrderPaymentSchedulesRequest",
  "referencedOrderId": "R-f9c2c198-b7cc-491a-a711-93d22fd0e589",
  "startDate": "2020-11-16",
  "numberOfPayments": 10,
  "maximumFailures": 1,
  "invoiceNumber": "96126098",
  "purchaseOrderNumber": "123055342",
  "transactionOrigin": "ECOM",
  "dynamicMerchantName": "MyWebsite",
  "frequency": {
    "every": 1,
    "unit": "MONTH"
  "transactionAmount": {
    "total": "25.24",
    "currency": "GBP"
  "clientLocale": {
    "language": "EN",
    "country": "USA"

Updating a Payment Schedule

To update a payment schedule, use PATCH to make a call to /payment-schedules/{order-id} where the {order-id} value is the orderId value from the response of the original PaymentSchedulesRequest POST. Use the same payload structure as for setting up the payment schedule, but identify the payment schedule for update via specifying the orderId in the response from the original PaymentSchedulesRequest in /payment-schedules/{order-id}. Make updates to the Payment Schedule, Payment Method or Transaction Amount as necessary in the PATCH call payload.

Cancelling a Payment Schedule

Cancel a Payment Schedule by making a DELETE call to /payment-schedules/{order-id} where the {order-id} value is the orderId value from the response of the original PaymentSchedulesRequest POST.

Retrieving Payment Schedule data

Retrieve Payment Schedule data by making a GET call to /payment-schedules/{order-id} where the {order-id} value is the orderId value from the response of the original PaymentSchedulesRequest POST.